Saturday, August 23, 2008

Clone Wars

The new Star Wars: Clone Wars is the newest CG cartoon. It's got a very distinct style of animation that's block-y and plastic-like. But that is how they wanted it; I assume because they didn't want it too real so that people would relate it to the CG effects in the live-action Star Wars.
It starts out like the other SWs, "In a galaxy far, far away..." but it's just about that long of the SW written introduction. Then it goes into camera shots and such that are reminiscent of Starship Troopers. Hmmm...
I don't know if it's because it's animated or because the younger generations have been desensitised, but when a clone got it's head blown off the children in the theatre started laughing. It wasn't a funny moment. Because the kids laughed, I immediately thought "this movie is not age appropriate then." This moment in the theater bothered me a lot, because they kept laughing at serious stuff like that.
The voices were well done by limited actors. It should have been named something other than Clone Wars, because the CW was only a setup for (time) locations. It should have been named Star Wars: The Hutts or something similar, because it mainly revolves around the Jedi trying to get Jabba to allow the Trade Federation to go through his territories. Save the CWs title for when the movie concentrates on the wars/battles only with very little sidelines. Overall, an Okay movie... but I still perfer the original animated series.

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